Error when trying to refer equation

When trying to refer a equation I get the following message:

Error :
ScriptError: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘substring’ of null

I have the same problem

Hey, guys!
Sorry for the inconvinience. Can you share the minimum working example doc where we can reproduce this?

I tested again before to share the doc and the problem was fixed!


I was making an exampel for you when it started to work. Then i tried to reproduce the error and i have found out that it is not working if i have inserted a picture in the document.

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Thanks you for sharing the doc. Allow us 24 hours to fix this bug.

It is true. Thanks Oskar.

So you can see the error in my doc?

Can you give edit access to ?

@Oskar_Hellstrand and @Enrique_Ortiz_Vidal This bug should be fixed now.
Can you test and confirm?

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Yes it seems to work now. Thanks!